Friday, April 10, 2015


Sometimes I wonder why

Why are there so many differences among humans?

Some say it's due to the difference in nutrition of mothers during pregnancy while some say it is that of the child during growth. Others put it on the characteristics of the parent continued in their wards, We may say it is the parent child raising principles that show off in their children. All accepted but not enough.

My belief is that the difference between every man is the content of that which makes him.


At birth, the mind is just a plain slate that can never be completely filled, what we print on it makes the difference; however, this prints do not have to be permanent. At every point in time there are things needed and once done with we put them aside (erase). Memories may linger but that doesn't count much.

The mind is the window through which we see the future, even the bible says as a man thinks so is he. Now I see what makes the difference.

Every parent tries to mold his child but there is a gift we all have; freewill. Whatever our parents put in us is only a guideline; at a point in our lives we have to learn to do what we think is right.

What is your mind telling you, or better still what are you letting your mind say, see and store? That is what makes you! Your mind is stronger than you can think so aim higher than you can imagine and if you cannot get there you sure would be close. Your mind is You!

Read the relationship between life and mathematics here

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